Active and Passive Component

Passive Component:-

A circuit component which is unable to control the flow of electrical energy using any sort of electrical means is called a passive component. 

For example:- Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor, Transformer, PN junction diode.

Salient features of passive component:-

  1. Dissipate or store energy.
  2. Two terminals devices except transformer.
  3. Made from either conductor or semi-conductor or insulator.
  4. Linear characteristics except PN junction diode.


Active Component:-

           A circuit component which is able to control the flow of electrical energy using some electrical means is called an active component. 

Active component on energy flow.

For example:- BJT, FET, DIAC, TRIAC, Op-Amp, IC et cetera.

Salient features of active component:-

  1. Control or amplify energy flow.
  2. Three or more terminals devices.
  3. Made from semi-conductor.
  4. Non-linear characteristics.
