Differences between soap and detergents :-

Detergent Vs Soap

  1. Detergents are made from synthetic ingredients.
    Soaps are made from natural ingredients.

  2. Detergents’ solubility is greater than soaps.
    Soaps’ solubility is lower than detergents.

  3. Detergents don’t give scum in hard water.
    Soaps give scum in hard water.

  4. Detergents can be anionic, cationis, non-ionic or amphoteric.
    Soaps are anionic washing agents.

  5. Detergents biodegradability varies widely. Some detergents are not biodegradable. Linear chain detergents are more likely to undergo biodegradability.
    Soaps are biodegradable.

  6. Detergents are salts of long chain alkyl sulfonic acids or alkyl amines or alkyl glycol ether.
    Soaps are sodium salts of long chain alkyl carboxylic acids.

  7. Hydrophilic parts of detergents are those groups which form soluble salt in hard water.
    Hydrophilic parts of soaps are carboxylic groups which give scum in hard water.

  8. Raw materials for detergents:-
    Petroleum products
    Raw materials for soap:-
    Animal or plants fat and Caustic alkali.

  9. Examples of detergents compound :-
    Sodium Lauryl Sulphate,
    Sodium Laureth Sulphate,
    Ammonium Lauryl Sulphate,
    Lauryl Trimethyl Ammonium Chloride,
    Lauryl Polyglycol Ether
    Cocamidopropyl betaine C19H38N2O3 etc


    Examples of soap compound :-
    C₁₅H₃₁COONa ( Sodium palmitate salt)
    C₁₆H₃₃COONa (Sodium margarate salt)
    C₁₇H₃₅COONa (Sodium stearate salt)
    C₁₇H₃₅COOK (Potassium stearate) etc.

  10. Detergents come in various form like cake, powder, liquid, gel, paste.
    Soaps usually come in the form of solid cake.

  11. Applications of detergents:-
    Floor cleaner
    Hand wash
    Laundry detergent


    Applications of soap:-
    Washing clothes soaps
    Toilet soaps for body cleaning

  12. Detergents have been used by humans since the 20th century.
    Humans have been using soaps for thousands of years.

Detergents are made from synthetic ingredients.Soaps are made from natural ingredients.
Detergents’ solubility is greater than soaps.Soaps’ solubility is lower than detergents.
Detergents don’t give scum in hard water.Soaps give scum in hard water.
Detergents can be anionic, cationis, non-ionic or amphoteric.Soaps are anionic washing agents.
Detergents biodegradability varies widely.
Some detergents are not biodegradable. Linear chain detergents are more likely to undergo biodegradability.
Soaps are biodegradable.
Detergents are alkali salts of long-chain alkyl sulfonic acids or alkyl amines or alkyl glycol ether.Soaps are alkali salts of long-chain alkyl carboxylic acids.
Hydrophilic parts of detergents are those groups which form soluble salt in hard water.Hydrophilic parts of soaps are carboxylic groups which give scum in hard water.
Raw materials:-
Petroleum products
Raw materials:-
Animal or plants fat and Caustic alkali.
Examples of detergent compounds:-
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate,
Sodium Laureth Sulphate,
Ammonium Lauryl Sulphate,
Lauryl Trimethyl Ammonium Chloride,
Lauryl Polyglycol Ether
Cocamidopropyl betaine C19H38N2O3
Examples of soap compounds:-
C₁₅H₃₁COONa ( Sodium palmitate salt)
C₁₆H₃₃COONa (Sodium margarate salt)
C₁₇H₃₅COONa (Sodium stearate salt)
C₁₇H₃₅COOK (Potassium stearate) etc
Detergents come in various form like cake, powder, liquid, gel, pasteSoaps usually come in the form of solid cake.
Floor cleaner
Hand wash
Laundry detergent
Tooth paste
Washing clothes soaps
Toilet soaps for body cleaning
Detergents have been used by humans since the 20th century.Humans have been using soaps for thousands of years.
